
Bastet is home to the nomadic tribes of the Sphynks race.


A typical Sphynks

Culture and History[]

A culture of music and dance continues with this religious catfolk race. Although it can be hard to tell the difference, their colorful clothing and decorations are beautiful examples of textiles.

Most sphynks travel in their nomadic caravans and make tent villages at oasis in the desert. They are sly desert navigators and very tough to endure the environment. Their favorite animal is Desert Sheep which provide transportation, food, and textiles. They are plucky and lithe. Usually noble-minded, Sphynks are very honorable. They are warriors and guardians of the desert.

It is said that before they became wanderers, they were a great desert civilization. However, they became too proud and their garden cities were destroyed and turned to desert. The ruins and statues in the west are remnants of their civilization, or so they say. Usually pilgrimages are made to the ruins for religious reasons, and the priestesses have great power in their society.
Each nomadic tribe has a chief, who is also the priestess. Although there was for most of their history no central government, the religious order made decisions and mediated disputes.


Sphynks are in general slightly shorter than humans on average. 170 Pryonic centimetres is tall for a Sphynks. The usual adult range is around 155–170 cm. Eye and hair color usually follow Cat styles.

Sphynks live to be until fifty years of age, shorter than most other races, though they tend to not lose physical condition until their last year, and such is a sign that they are dying.


